Westcon-Comstor Academy
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juniper networks training courses certification

Juniper Advanced Junos Security - AJSEC


This five-day course, which is designed to build off the current Junos Security (JSEC) offering, delves deeper into Junos security and next-generation security features. Through demonstrations and hands-on labs, you will gain experience in configuring and monitoring the advanced Junos OS security features with advanced coverage of virtualization, AppSecure, advanced logging and reporting, next generation Layer 2 security, user firewall, next generation advanced anti-malware with Sky ATP, next generation security intelligence with software-defined secure networks. This course uses Juniper Networks SRX Series Services Gateways for the hands-on component. This course is based on Junos OS Release 15.1X49-D90.7 and Junos Space Security Director 16.2.


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Currently there are no public dates available. We can offer you a private group training, or you can pre-register upfront for a future public class.